Главная » 2015 » Апрель » 20 » Викторина по английскому языку 11 класс с ответами
Викторина по английскому языку 11 класс с ответами

Ход мероприятия:

Ведущий 1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our Literary quiz show! During the whole month we have been studying the British literature and now it’s high time to find out which team knows this subject better.

Ведущий 2: You will have several tasks and for completing every task each team will get a certain number of points.

В 1: The winner will be awarded small souvenirs and the most active of you will get good marks.

В 2: First, we’ll choose the name and the captain for every team.

Ученики: Придумывают названия команд и выбирают капитанов.

В 1: OK, now you are ready to start the competition, aren’t you?

Ученики: Yes, we are.

В 1: The first task will be the contest “Right or wrong?” We will give you sentences about English literature and books in general. You will need to decide whether they are right or wrong. Is the task clear?

Ученики: Yes.

В 1: читает предложения по очереди каждой команде.

Ученики: команды, посовещавшись, решают: верно – неверно.

(В1 и В2 записывают на доске очки)

В 2: Oh, you seem to be extremely knowledgeable at English literature. But there is another task waiting.

(В1 раздает карточки с заданием)

В 2: Here you need to compose the titles of well-known books written by the British writers of the fragments written in each card given to you by the teacher. Try to do it correctly as quickly as possible. And let us know when you’re ready.

Ученики: команды выполняют задание на время.

В 2: And now let’s see how you succeeded. The first team, please, call out your variant of the first title.

Ученики: по очереди называют получившиеся названия книг ( при равном количестве правильных ответов очко получает та команда, которая справилась с заданием быстрее.)

В 1: So, dear contestants, you’ve managed to do two tasks and the team of … is leading for the present moment. But we’re only in the middle of the contest and everything can change. Now you have another task to complete.

(В 2 раздает карточки с заданием)

В 1: Please, find the author for each book given in the left column. For this activity, you have only 4 minutes.

Ученики: выполняют задание. Результат выводится по схеме предыдущего испытания.

(В 1объявляет победителя в этом испытании)

В 2: OK, guys the atmosphere is becoming hot in our competition. We’re very close to the end. But the next task for you is to explain the name of the literary genres to your team for them to guess them. So, captains, come here.

Капитаны команд подходят к ведущим и получают задания. Затем объясняют своей команде жанр книги.

В 2: So, the winner in this contest is…

В 1: The decisive and the last task is to show your excellent knowledge of Shakespeare’s life. As you know, Shakespeare is one of the most famous English writers and it’s impossible not to know about his life and writing activity. So, ladies and gentlemen, try to name as many facts of his life as possible: it can be his books, birth place and date, etc. Is that clear?

Ученики: Yes.

В 1: Well, let’s begin.

Ученики: стараются назвать как можно больше фактов из жизни и творчества У.Шекспира.

В 2: Well, well, well. The competition is over and we’re glad to announce that the team of Sunflowers is the winner! Our congratulations!

В 1: And the most pleasant part of our competition is the award to the winner. Captains ,come up to us. This diploma is awarded to the winner of the Literary quiz – the team of Sunflowers! Our congratulations!

В 2: And this diploma is for the team that has won the second prize – the team of Stars! Here you are. Don’t be upset and remember that the participation is more important than the victory.

В 1: Yes, and we have some souvenirs for you.

В 2: Well, thank you for taking part in the quiz and for your excellent knowledge of the British literature. Good bye.

Ученики: Good bye.



Shakespeare performed his plays in the Globe theatre.

Jungle book was written by George Byron.

Fairy-tale is a book that tells an exciting story of crime and violence.

Smoking, eating and dancing are allowed in the library.

There were 3 sisters Brontee.

“Alice in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll.

Shakespeare was born in London.

Robert Burns is a Scottish poet.

Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Winston Churchill.

“Romeo and Juliet” is a comedy.

Many famous British writers are buried in Westminster Abbey.

Charles Dickens is the author of “Oliver Twist”.

There are no famous writers in Britain.

Western is another person’s life.

There is only one Turgeniev’s Museum – in Moscow.

“Gone with the wind” is a short story that teaches a lesson, in which animals or objects speak.

Charlotte Brontee wrote “Jane Eyre”.

Dictionaries are books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals and weather.

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